Saturday, May 19, 2007

That there shiny chickens mast head thing totaly rocks!

Dori kicks ass! She made me the beyond awesome shiny chicken header thingy...the mast head. That thingamajig is sooooooo cute! TY Dori!!!!!

Had my grad party today. It is absolutely exhausting to spend an entire day being pleasant and sociable and kind to all the rotten little snots running around everywhere. I must say, yet again, I LOVE MY CATS. My cats do not steal water balloons from one another. They do not go around showing their winkies to girls. They never, ever push each other on a merry-go-round fast enough to cause tummies to kick into unhappiness mode. I am extremely proud of myself for not injuring any rotten little snots today. You have no idea how much self restraint I had to call on for that feat. I now have a giant spork thingy and I find it extremely comforting-- kind of like my life line.

I am so tired. I didn't do much of anything, so I don't really know why. Except for that whole being pleasant stuff. But I am so tired I could just drop. Oh yeah, and my feet are killing me. I wore my lime green cheapy flip flops today. And they beat up my feet. The bullies. I actually have big ol' bumpy/knotty things on my feet from those diabolical flips. It hurts to walk. That sucks alot. What am I supposed to tell people when they see me hobbling around like some old cripple? Flip flop injury? How embarrassing would that be? Only me, these weird injury things only happen to me.

Later gators!

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