Wednesday, October 29, 2008

On the blog again

Hello all--me again. Thought I'd post some oh so adorable pics of the Baybee and the Kidd. Also had one teeny tiny rant to get out of my system. Why do people feel that keeping their child from annoying innocent people as an optional thing? What on earth posses someone to bring their obnoxious, rude, nerve-shattering brat child with them to a store only to let them run amok without paying a bit of attention to their horrific behavior? After dealing with three such children in one night at work, my determination to avoid procreation has turned to something akin to the stuff they make the little black box (on planes) out of--only stronger. Grrr.

On a more chipper note, my nieces are adorable and sweet and practically perfect in every way!

Still truly detest homework with a passion.

Later gators!


Saturday, October 11, 2008

You're In My Blog, You're In My Soul

Wow, guess I haven't been here in a while. And I can't stick around long seeing as how it's 3 am-ish and I have to work at noon and all. Anywho, I just got a wild hair and decided to actually blog--crazy idea, I know. So here goes.

I love these Time Life music infomercial things. "For only a hundred bucks you can buy a bunch of songs from back in the day! Everything you love is in this collection!!" Now, that is just not true. I love lots of things that I just bet you aren't in that collection. Got any good zombie flicks in that collection? I didn't think so. False advertisement, that. Sadly, I must admit this rock ballads collection is better than most--I found myself singing along more than once now. Stupid infomercials.

I am going to see my big bro, sis in law, the kid and the baybee next week! Mrs. Coke is travelling with me--yea! We made a playlist on my ipod just for the occasion. And I get to see the Kid in some play. Totally beyond excited.

My cats are sitting here glaring at me. It's past the time I usually pour more food in their dishes so they're giving me the evil eye to let me know I'm treading on thin ice here.

I have decided that my work should not hire anymore girls under the age of 20 or 21. All the younger ones seem to be unable to withstand the rigors of working at a consignment shop. A CONSIGNMENT SHOP for cryin' in the sink! It is not rocket science folks! These little nitwitts are dropping like flies. Mind you, their personalities are not of such calliber to merrit missing them, it just sucks to be short on employees.

Still completely and utterly loathe homework.

Wow, my desk is really messy.
I should have probably done some homework tonight instead of watching that truly awful cheesy horror flick. Oh well.
I like this desk much better than my old one.
Why do waffles have all those little squares? Don't they come from waffle irons?
This country needs a George Carlin day.
I hate cars.
My wallet is soo cute. Black exterior, hot pink interior. Way cute.

This blog has really sucked butt, but what do you expect? I'm beyond a bit rusty and tired as hell. I'm outta here for now folks.

Keep rockin'! (stupid infomercial)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Insert title here

Hi again--just me, blogger of few blogs. I have been away for far too long I suppose. I mean, it isn't fair to keep my rapiar wit and sensational life from you folks. It's not like my life is exceedingly dull or filled with monotonous activity or anything. Oh wait, yes it is--it's exactly like that. I go to school. I go to work. I do homework., sometimes I talk on the phone. Oh yeah, and I watch TRU tv quite a bit. And I...ummm....actually, that about sums up the life of me. I have no life. I am dullness personified. I am bordom in the flesh. I am completely ZZZZZZZZZZZ. Good grief.

So let's ee what I can come up with to write about. Well, the parking lot at school is my current favorite thing to rant about, so here ya go. Living in Iowa involves dealing with snow--duh, right? Well, apparently the young gooberknobs I am surrounded by at MMC failed to consider this fact before driving to class. We have had snow this winter, admittedly more snow than average----tons of the fluffy white crap has accumulated all over the place. Parking lots are particularly yucky. I personally do not believe this fact entitles people to simply leave their common sense at home when they head to school. Just to give you an idea, the parking lot I am ranting about is set up to have a total of 6 rows of cars. One on either side of the parking lot and four in between them. Like this: l ll ll l. Fairly simple, right? WRONG! It now looks like this: l lll l. Or this: l ll l l. What is wrong with this picture? There are folks who end up with a car in front of them and one behind them. The rows have narrowed so that larger vehicles like SUVs cannot get through and have to back up until they come to a turn off, which is difficult since there are cars behind them and most of the turn off isles have been rendered obsolete by the morons parking wherever they desire. I am personally a firm believer in the drunken monkey theory. I think folks get out of there car at the entrance to the parking lot and hand their keys over to intoxicated primates. I simply cannot fathom that college students--people who were intelligent enough to make it into MMC--could possibly be so inept and idiotic when it comes to parking. So there.

My apartment manager came to put saran wrap stuff on my living room window today as the window has become my arch enemy in the fight against freezing my keister off. It was really nifty to watch him wrestle the plastic and the blinds and the tape and such, just to cover one big window. But it is done now and it looks all spiffy and such and the evil window will have to contend with the plastic to let in icky cold air now. YEA!

Random thoughts:
My desk sucks. It's way too small. No homework space.
Why is my Downy ball on my desk?
When will Dart stop being terrified of the freshmatic sprayer thing??
Why do I have so many books scattered everywhere?
Why am I still blogging when I should be getting ready for work?
I need more bookshelves.
My Hello Kitty mouse is really quite cute.
Did I set the VCR timer to tape Supernatural?
I have to remember to finish watching Tuesday's American Idol.
Crap, I totally did not set the VCR timer.
Pajammy to the left.
I still can't remember where that sand came from. I must have saved it for a reason tho.
I miss my watch.
I hope I'm not in the changing room at work tonight. Yuck.
A duck with an afro--too funny. Great picture.
Aw heck, I really need to set the timer.

Well, it's been bloggy and such but I really must be going now. Laters!

Marginally Magnificent Me
Fairly Fantastic Fiona

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Kid Midget Baybee---whatever

The Rockstar and Dori being goofy
The Dino and Dori being silly
The Baybee and the sis in law
The big bro and the Baybee
The Akido Kid
Love the hair!!!!!!!
The Baybee kickin back with the Kid
The Kid and the Baybee
The one and only Midgit
My adorable cats---just had to add this one

The Kid
Mutton Chop Baybee and the sis in law
Just too cute!
She just couldn't be any cuter!

Howdy all. I honestly don't have much in the way of entertaining babble nor to I have any life altering ideologies to share with you. I simply wanted to take this opportunity to share pics of my visit with the Kid and her lil sis---my new niece. Chloe was born November 28 and I finally got to meet her last week. I am dieing to show off a coupla pics I took of her and Elise and my big bro and my sis in law. I did want to say that I made an observation about myself while visiting the family. I call my eldest niece the Kid, the middle niece the Midget and the new niece the Baybee (which will change of course as she becomes a non-baybee. I sometimes call her the Little Mutton Chop too. Or the Mohawk baybee. Depends on my mood.). They have names--real ones that is. What is my deal? Why do I feel compelled to call them these other titles? Don't get me wrong, the names fit them and I have no intention of calling these darling girls by their given names, I just think it's odd.

Oh yeah, I also wanted to give a big huge hug to the Rockstar and the Dino for being such fantastically adorable little rugrats who absolutely dig their aunt Kenzie.

I start winter term tomorrow. Ick. Did they honestly think I missed school so much that I would want to attend one class 4 times a week for 3 hours each time????? I think I could defiantly deal without that much of one class. Although I must admit I am looking forward to my Creative Writing class....I just wish it was spread out a bit more.

Well that's all for now folks!

Silence!!!!! I keeell yooou!