Sunday, August 26, 2007

You've got blog on you

I feel it necessary to do a bit of venting. I went to a visitation/funeral last week and I feel a bit disgruntled. I, personally, find death to be a depressing enough event in and of itself. Why, then, do people feel it necessary to compound the issue by throwing parading past the deceased into the mix????? What sick bastard thought this up?!?!? Oh, and don't even get me started on the numerous comments on how "good" the deceased looks. The living-challenged do not "look good"---they are dead for criminey's sake! When I die I hope none of my pals have the gall to say I look good--I swear I will get right outta that casket and beat them. When I die I will look.... big surprise here folks....DEAD! I will be dressed in my nice comfy clothes and be crowded into my casket with as much materialistic crap as possible (who says I can't take it with me?!? I'll show you!) and no one will have to look at me cuz all the DVDs and knick-knacks and books and dolls and pictures and such will make it impossible to see me. So there. And anyone who tries to make people parade past me shall be stoned in the middle of the street. All that being said, I feel I should confess something, sort of to make up for tearing apart the whole twisted funeral tradition thing. I am one of those annoying people who sings along with any song I know.....regardless of how inappropriate my lip-syncing timing may be. I truly can't help myself--a catchy tune comes on and I start belting along with it. At the very least I mouth the words with barely suppressed gusto. My mother used to get on my case cuz I would put headphones on and just sing along at the top of my lungs without even realizing it...a couple of my pals confessed that they used to turn off the radio and just listen to me bellering along to the head phones in the back seat (very embarrassing btw). So it wasn't really my fault that I was singing along to the songs played at the funeral. I didn't pick such catchy stuff that just forces me to sing along---although, thankfully, I did have the self-control to merely mouth the words as opposed to belting them out. That would have gone over swimmingly, I'm sure.

I have amazingly impressive wish lists on A little excessive, but truly humbling in it's grandness and variety.

That's all for now folks----still searching.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Hello blogspot my old friend

Once again, it's been awhile. I feel I should explain that a large part of my blogging absence was due to a slight disagreement between the int/cable provider and myself---they felt I should pay for my cable/int and I felt that my financial situation did not permit me to buy a pack of gum, let alone pay a rather large cable/int bill. But that is neither here nor there, that was then and this is now and now I have my int back! Yippee!

Anywho, I guess I am supposed to take care of this whole tagged business. According to my in-the-know pal Nanner, this means I have to make a list similar to Dori's with 8 facts about me. Oh joy and rapture, how exciting--hearing about doofy ol' me!

1. I am an extremely accomplished procrastinator. You name it, I can put it off. Everything from doing the dishes to packing--I am amazing in my ability to not get things done until I have no choice. In fact, I recently found a batch of Christmas cards from 1996 that I never mailed. Astonishing, isn't it?

2. I still cling to the childhood belief that someday I will be a famous author.

3. I own at least 20 dvd's that I have never watched, but just had to have. You know, in case I do want to watch them someday.

4. I have some sign language skills. Not impressive skills, mind you, just skills. I can hold a basic conversation as long as no one asks me anything to complex. Sure would be more impressive to be able to say I have some mad sign language skills. But my mommy told me not to tell blatantly obvious lies.

5. I still stick my hand out the car window and "fly". And I still think the best carnival ride in existence is the swings that make you feel like you're flying. Don't suppose that will ever change.

6. I have some really great friends--the Knuckle, the Coke Addict (Coca-cola merchandise that is), the Nanner, Bitter Boy, Dori, etc etc etc.

7. I enjoy Shirley Temple movies and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

8. I collect stuff. Porcelain dolls, other dolls, mooses, elephants, groovy weird stuff, fat cats, etc.

Now I am supposed to tag some folks--whatever that means. So I guess I'll tag Nanner, Bitter Boy, Dori, Santa Clause, Snuffy, Johnny 5, the Purple People Eater and Ivan the terrible (the one living with bitter boy). I don't know enough bloggers to tag anyone beyond Nanner really, so deal with it.

I am moving this weekend. I am leaving behind this rinky dinky little closet of an apartment, cute though it may be. I am moving on to bigger and better things---starting with the slightly bigger cute little apartment across the hall. That's right friends, I am moving from number 8 to number 9. I am very excited, even though my 'man'ager made a little boo boo and now I only have three days to get completely moved. Oh well!

That's it for now kiddies! *Searching for cutesy outta here thingy like Dori has*